What's On

Mothers Union Meeting

March 6, 2025

Mothers Union Bowral is part of the worldwide Mothers Union (MU), a 140 year old Christian organisation, active in 84 countries with over 4 million members (men and women) who are linked by daily prayer. MU members worldwide volunteer to run various grassroots ministries focused on meeting families at their point of need.

MU runs a variety of events and seminars throughout the year. We also gather on the first Thursday of each month at 10:00am for our regular monthly meetings.

Our next meeting is on Thursday 6 March at 10:00am and We would love to see you there.

If you would like to learn more about MU then please come along to one of our activities, or meetings or contact Gill Truman gillytruman@gmail.com.

Future MU Meeting Dates:

Thursdays at 10:00am

April 3 - Living for Christ with Daphne Browning
May 14 - Area Day: Camden

June 5 - Northern Outreach with Luanne Mills

July 3 - Understanding Grief with Marge Mills

August 7 - Bible Study and Soup with Jan Livingstone

September 4- Anglican Aid with Julia Williams

October 2 - Life as a Missionary

November 6 - Christmas Craft with Elizabeth Standen

December 4 - Advent Service and Morning Tea

Quick Details

Mothers Union Bowral meets on the first Thursday of each month, at 10:00am.

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