Christian Care

St Jude's Community

ST JUDE'S Ministries

Christian Care

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” Galatians 6:10


Christian Care is sharing God’s love through our words and deeds, by being present during joys and trials.

Expressed through:

Natural Friendships & Connect Groups

The primary Care for St Jude’s members with manageable situations takes place within mutual friendships and Connect Groups. These avenues provide a natural pathway for Care to be expressed to our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Care Teams

Some complex or long-term situations may require extra help from Care Teams. These teams are made up of members who have a strong desire to serve others using their specific gifts.


Members of staff are keen to support the St Jude’s family, particularly around delicate and sensitive issues. Please reach out to any of the following:

Gavin Perkins

Kate Pearse

Graham Schultz

Sarah Bull

Communication, sensitivity, and confidentiality are of utmost importance in Christian Care and measures are taken to implement these essential elements.


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