Connect Groups

St Jude's Community

ST JUDE'S Ministries

Connect Groups

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together - Hebrews 10:24-25

St Jude's Connect Groups are Bible study groups for the members of St Jude’s.

In these small gatherings we seek to establish and equip each other as disciples of Jesus by encouraging one another from the Bible as we teach its word, pray for one another, and persevere in love with intentional Christian fellowship. Connect Groups are also our way of encouraging the church family to show pastoral Christian care to one another.

Our groups span the age range of our church, and some are mixed in gender while others are specifically for men or women. These groups also run on different days of the week and at various times to accommodate everyone's weekly commitments.

If you would like to join a Connect Group please reach out to Graham by completing this form, or email directly and he will talk with you about how to find a group you can make a commitment to.


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